Dublin: The City I'll Never Forget with People Who Have Changed Me Forever

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Of course I made life long friends, but I also gained personal values and skills that will stick with me for the rest of my life. CAPA allowed me to develop myself, my understanding of the world and life, and realize how trivial we all can be. I had a chance to step out of my bubble I call America, and see myself, my society for what it truly is. I changed the way I view other cultures because America has fairly ethnocentric views for being a "melting pot" of a country. I had the chance to travel to places where english was NOT their first language so I adapted (so use to the other way around). I even had the chance to intern in Dublin so I had a chance to not only learn about another culture but to work IN that culture. Some experiences are hard for me to verbalize but I promise to anyone, you won't regret a single day. Even if you just lay in bed and procrastinate on your work (which we all do), you will enjoy that lazy day in Ireland. CAPA had all turns, curves, drops, excursions, etc. planned and figured out prior to me even registering for the program. Any question or concern I had during my stay was answered on site or within a few hours. CAPA is prepared and BEYOND qualified to be your study abroad host.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed