Perspective Changing

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My summer trip to Senegal was what I consider to be my first real experiential learning trip out of the country away from my family. This was unfamiliar territory so naturally I was a bit nervous, but more so excited for what this adventure had to offer.
Going in, I knew very little about the details of Senegalese culture and their rich heritage. I didn't want to know just yet. I was eager to go in with a clean slate and learn as much as I could, meet as many people as I can, and make the most of the summer before my senior year of high school.
The experiences I had given me a new global perspective that I treasure each day. It was profoundly valuable for me to be able to learn about a culture, through experiencing the culture. I gained an insight into the kindness, generosity, and open-mindedness of the locals which motivated me to be a better person in my own life. I witnessed many different lifestyles through Senegal that made me feel a little more fortunate for what I have; more importantly though, I learned how far simple gestures of kindness can go.
This trip didn't change my life, it changed my perspective on how I view the world, and those around me. I grew as a person and gained many skills through the Dragons curriculum. I wouldn't trade this experience, along with the memories I shared with my group, for anything in the world.

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Year Completed