The best investment

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

Live TEFL was the best investment I had ever made (so far). Investment in terms of my time, money and quality. It exceeded all my expectations and I graduated (2018 March) with the biggest smile in the world.
The course is intense. Requires a lot of hard-work and commitment. However, experienced teachers help you in any possible way if you struggle. The syllabus is very well-organised. Moreover, you get a first-hand experience of teaching young Czech people. Which is absolutely amazing!!! Of course, you spend tons of time planning your lessons but the result that you finish with redeems everything.
Also, Prague is a wonderful destination. A city with stunning architecture, great beer, lively and vibrant lifestyle. In the middle of Europe!
Thus, I would recommend this top-notch course to everyone seeking for TEFL certificate. Why aren't you still enrolled, guys?!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed