Teaching in India

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had an absolutely incredible time teaching English with the IVHQ program in New Delhi, India. Before even leaving for India, IVHQ provided an informative and useful pre-departure guide, furthermore IVHQ staff readily made themselves available should I have any questions or concerns. Upon arriving in India, I was immediately greeted by staff and fellow volunteers. The initial culture shock of India was somewhat overwhelming, but my host family and IVHQ staff did a superb job of trying to make me feel at home, while providing me with useful information regarding the cultural difference between the US and India.

As mentioned above, I taught for 3 weeks at a school in the slums. Previous volunteers had left notes and materials for activities that were successful in their classroom, which helped make my first few days drastically easier. IVHQ staff also routinely checked in at the school to ensure that I was doing alright. Throughout those 3 weeks I fell in love with my compassionate, caring students; and my only regret is that I didn't volunteer for longer. Additionally, the food IVHQ provided was AMAZING! I would catch myself consistently going back for seconds and thirds. Traveling to a foreign country is always a little unsettling, but IVHQ does a tremendous job of preparing volunteers before departure and then providing continued support throughout the program. I'd highly recommend volunteering with IVHQ for anyone that wants to travel throughout the world at an affordable rate.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed