Awesome experience

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I went to Alicante in Fall 2016. I met amazing new friends from all over the U.S. and even some who happen to go to Cal Poly, my home university. I lived with a host family, mainly just a host mom whose daughters, aged mid 30's, came to visit every Sunday. I also had an American living with me in my host family as well. I became great friends with my American roommate. We both loved our host mom and her daughters. We learned a great deal of Spanish because our host family spoke zero English. We took the tram or bus to school everyday. I really liked that because it made me feel more a part of the community there. I also signed up for a program where I gave private lessons to Spanish girls wanting to learn English. The girls were ages 7 and 11. I adored them and they loved me too. I was able to explore all parts of the city while I was there and Alicante really gained a special part in my heart after this experience. I am glad to feel connected to another part of the world now. Coming back to the states, I feel like I really learned so much by living in Spain, but I didn't realize it until I came back and noticed all the changes. Overall, I think everyone in the states needs to study abroad because I can't think of one negative thing about it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed