Medical Placement

Impact: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I participated in the medical placement with Volunteer IVHQ in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This was my first time volunteering overseas as well as my first time traveling solo outside my home country. I was blown away by how wonderful my experience was volunteering with Volunteer IVHQ! You are prepped with information on your placement well in advance of your start date. This really helped me prepare for my trip and help alleviate some of my anxiety traveling alone. The information provided is completely up-to-date and in line with my experience in HCMC.

The program started with a “Culture Week” the first Monday you arrive in HCMC. Before that, there is not much to do on the weekend. I made the mistake of arriving early (Saturday), which I did not find useful as most volunteers travel during the weekends/aren't really around to welcome you yet. By Monday though, you are drowning in fellow volunteers whom eventually become your greatest friends! :) Culture week did an amazing job of helping me adjust to Vietnam in general as well as make buddies with others to plan weekend travel and weekday funsies. :) You have a chance to see most top tourist attractions during this first week, too, which helped cross off some things on my to-do list!

I participated in the medical placement as part of my medical training (as an international rotation/elective). I was a fourth-year medical student during my time in Vietnam, so I have been in a variety of hospitals and clinical settings as well as experienced in medical procedures. I knew before signing up for the program that my work would be primarily shadowing. I found that my experience exceeded my expectations. I had the opportunity to see SO MANY departments in the hospital as well as help with a ton of interesting procedures. The fields I had a chance to experience included orthopedics, trauma, mental health, daycare/special needs, physical therapy, electrotherapy, acupuncture, surgery, and probably more! This is a great program for those thinking about entering the medical field or already in it. I found the entire experience very humbling and eye-opening as the healthcare resources are much different than in the US.

Overall, Volunteer IVHQ did an excellent job of coordinating my volunteer trip in HCMC, Vietnam. I highly recommend their program! :D

P.S. Meals are AMAZING. More than enough vegetarian options if that's your jam!!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would