Intern Group Dublin

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 1
Safety: 4

Overall, my experience with the Intern Group in Dublin was fantastic. My internship was not exactly what I had intended it to be, but it still turned out to be an incredible opportunity to grow, expand my horizon of experiences, and attempt to make a difference in the community.

My experience was made fantastic by 2 factors, and those were (1) My boss who made every effort to make sure my internship experience was worth my while and enjoyable, and (2) The people at the Intern Group, both faculty and fellow Intern Group participants. The faculty were dedicated to making our internships and our time in Dublin amazing, and I appreciate their efforts. The social gatherings were fun, and some of the people I met through the program are now friends for life.

Lastly, Dublin is an amazing city. The people and the lifestyle are laid back and accepting, and I would definitely recommend spending an extended period of time here, if possible.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
Thank you all for everything!