A Dream Semester Abroad

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Housing: 3
Safety: 4

I remember having this distinct feeling of "Holy cow. My life is going to change once I step foot off the plane in Rome." While, admittedly, it did not change right then and there, looking back I do see that moment as the start of what would be an incredible three month journey that would be some of the happiest, saddest, toughest and insightful moments of my life.

If I could tell future participants anything about the study abroad program at the John Felice Rome Center it would be this: allow yourself to be vulnerable abroad. Take that long bus ride with your friend into a part of Rome that might be a bit "off the map." Use your broken Italian to try and have a conversation with a stranger at the bus stop. Allowing yourself to take these small risks will open up your abroad experience to unbelievable measures and past the traditional experiences tourists have when they come to the city for only a week.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed