CISabroad is the ONLY study abroad company anyone should use

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 2
Safety: 4

CISabroad made my time in Barcelona AMAZING!! Without them and the amazing support, adventures and fun activities the staff put together I think my experience would have been so much worse. I had friends who went abroad with other companies and didn’t get to go ANYWHERE! CIS is the cheapest study abroad program and you get to do the most things with the money you spend. I knew friends who spent $5-10,000 more on the semester than I did and the programs never took them on any excursions or out for any fancy dinners! Our advisors in the program took us out all the time and gave us free food and took us to Seville, Zaragoza and so many other cities! The staff was amazing and so helpful too! I had housing difficulties because my host family was terrible, but the staff made it so easy and they gave me and my roommates the option to move even though the semester was more than halfway over. I am so glad I picked CISabroad and so happy they helped make my semester amazing! Classes were extremely easy, but also fun and I still learned a lot! We went on many field trips and had great teachers! Program is also safety concerned and teaches you ways to avoid danger in the city! They really care about you!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed