Leaving with my arms full

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 4

When I met Bao, I almost cried. It’s hard not to give in to tears when you see him. He is born blind with cerebral palsy. Both his mental and physical disabilities prevent him from doing everything you can basically think of, including talking. He cannot walk, eat, drink or move independently. But what his disabilities don’t stop him from doing is being happy. Happy despite the obscure and lonely world he lives in. Happy despite being deprived sight and normal cerebral activity. He smiles when you help him walk. He smiles when you feed him. He smiles when you play the tambourine. But when you hold him, caress his head and sing to him, he smiles back at you with his eyes half closed. He smiles and the world stops. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t move but you know he feels secure and at peace in your arms, as if he could stay there forever, as if he can almost see you -

I am thankful for this amazing experience. For the one of a kind people I met, the unique food I tasted (even if it made me almost throw up at times) and the heat that makes you appreciate you have a water bottle and air. I went to Vietnam wanting to give something back but I left with my arms full. Thank you @ivhq

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Year Completed