Back in Korea in NO time!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I lived in Korea for a short while a few years back and absolutely knew I needed to come back and live here longer. I was absolutely determined to get a job and when I found Travel and Teach, they were very determined to support me every step of the way. It didn't even take them long to find job offers for me, and when they did, within the span of three days, I accepted it, had a phone interview and received the job.
The process with Travel and Teach was so amazing, they were extremely fast with my responses (a big shout out to my recruiter, Niko for dealing with the millions of questions I would send in the middle of the night), and all of my questions were answered in full details every single time. From getting the job to walking off of the plane in South Korea, this was the simplest and easiest process ever. In fact, it was so smooth that the only thing I stressed about was whether I had enough room in my luggage to move everything!
The school, oh my goodness, the school and students are absolutely wonderful. They pay very generously and provide an apartment. I live in Seoul so during the week, I drive my focus in teaching the children and over the weekend I go out into the city and enjoy the amazing sights. (Not to mention, this was my first official teaching experience ever, I dove into this headfirst without knowing anything and the school staff has been so helpful of everything)
Once Travel and Teach becomes your recruiter, they have your back. Thank you T&T!

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