A beautiful three weeks

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I participated in the Global Works Into to Pre-Med program in Costa Rica. This was my first time outside the country and it was amazing! There was continuous support from the supervisors, and I made a strong bond with everyone I met on the trip. The clinics we visited were also fascinating. It was very educational to see another Country’s medical system and how it worked. But the trip wasn’t just visiting clinics. We got to meet holistic health doctors, which exposed us to a wider view of medicine, and an herbalist. We also got to go zip lining.
Over all, the trip was so incredible I can’t describe it in words. I loved every bit of it, and never got homesick because I was enjoying myself so much. In fact, I wish the program had been longer!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed