CEA Prague was an amazing experience!

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This past Spring, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Prague, Czech Republic. At my school, Prague is not a very popular destination to go abroad to. However, I think that Prague is a beautiful city, and has just as much, if not more, to offer than many well-known abroad destinations such as Florence or Barcelona. When I arrived on my first day in Prague, I was greeted by bright, colorful buildings and cobblestone lining every street in town. The city is the perfect size where you can walk anywhere that you need to go, or can take the easily accessible public transportation. Most days, I preferred to walk to class or meals so that I could take in all of the character that this city offered in the short amount of time that I lived there.
By now you probably understand how beautiful Prague is, but it is also such a cool city with SO many cool things to do. You can go to the Prague castle, walk along the Charles Bridge, wander throughout Old Town and try a tredelnik (trust me, you won't be able to have "just one"), view the astronomical clock, go shopping at Wenceslas Square, climb up Petrin Hill, or pose in front of the John Lennon Wall. One thing that Americans often do not talk about is how good the food is in Prague. I was very impressed when I found out how delicious all of the restaurants were and how cosmopolitan the restaurant choices were. Some of my personal favorites were Meduzzy, Cantina, Noi, Zebra, and Bejzment. I could go on and on with recommendations of things to do in Prague and places to eat, but these are just my top few!
Overall, Prague was a great place to study abroad. If you are interested in traveling on the weekends, Prague is a perfect home base to do so. The airport is easily accessible via the metro/tram, or you could take a 25 minute Uber for under $20. Flights are direct and affordable out of the Prague airport, and the airport is super easy to navigate. Additionally, CEA makes abroad so much easier. They are there with you every step of the way and are always available for questions. The staff is very knowledgeable and cares about its students both before going abroad, and once on-site. If I could go back, I would, so make the most of your time in Prague!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed