One of the best experiences of my life!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Before heading to Thailand, I had always been so keen on volunteering with animals abroad. I found GVI and did my research into the company and decided this was who I wanted to volunteer with. I looked around the website and decided I wanted to go ahead with the volunteering with Elephants in Thailand program. (Elephants being one of my fav animals!) I got in touch and after a few email exchanges/phone call I was signed up!

This was my first time going abroad solo, so I decided to do the program for 1 month. I arrived at the airport and two lovely members of GVI welcomed me to beautiful Thailand. Once all volunteers had arrived, we then got a songthaew (Thailand's taxi) to the Eco resort hostel where we would stay for one night before heading to the village. We all went for dinner together and had a few drinks - this gave us all a chance to get to know each other.

The next morning we then set off on the 4.5 hour journey to the village. The journey did not feel as long as there were a few pit stops along the way which was great. We stopped at a beautiful waterfall, an amazing viewpoint and a fruit market. We then made it to the village! I did not know what to expect but I was very pleasantly surprised. We stopped off at base and we got to meet the other volunteers then I dropped my bag off at my home stay. The accommodation is basic but I easily adapted to life in Huay Pakoot. The houses are beautiful and their way of life is truly amazing.

My home stay family were so lovely and accommodating. They cook you lunch and dinner every day! The food is basic too, made up of rice, veg and some meat. However, and thanks to GVI, some of the villagers have managed to open up shops across the village that stock snacks, juices and smoothies!

The next day I did my first hike to see the elephants - and what a hike it was! We hiked for approx. 45 minutes to see Charlie and Thong Dee (2 of the elephants that GVI collect data on) and we were lucky they were relatively close to the road so it was not much of a hike through dense forestry to see the elephants. I cannot explain the feeling I got seeing the elephants so close, it was truly amazing! We then got to watch over other volunteers collecting the welfare and behavioral data on the elephants (GVI collect this data to show the elephants are better off in their natural environment!). Over the 4 weeks I went on about 3 elephant hikes per week, some more difficult than others. Some were pretty tough and very slippy (I went in the rainy season) but they were worth it to spend nearly an hour with the elephants!

There are numerous other activities you could get yourself involved in around the village including helping to teach in the local school and nursery - this was fantastic and the kids were great. You could also get involved in basket weaving, community litter picking and general things in and around base. We also had movie nights set up and one quiz night per week! You also get your weekends off and there is the option to go to nearby towns/cities!

The overall program was fantastic and this has to be the best experience I have ever had. All the staff were lovely, the villagers were so incredibly welcoming and I met friends for life - and the best part, getting to spend so much time with the amazing elephants. I would recommend this GVI program to anyone.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed