A Great Experience

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

As a recent graduate, Global Experiences was a great program to utilize as I am still determining what type of career I'm interested in pursuing and was interested in traveling before settling down. Based off of our conversations throughout the application process, my internship placement was spot on. Although I didn't feel entirely passionate about the work I was assigned, it was an excellent opportunity to learn more about what direction I would actually like to move towards in my future positions. I couldn't have asked for better employers. As I don't speak Spanish, they were always open to helping me throughout any obstacles I encountered, gave me a ton of tips about Barcelona, and were always available to answer any questions I had.

I believe being abroad in general after graduating is a unique and special opportunity. The challenges of traveling most weekends have made me feel more independent than ever before and I believe I'm more adaptable because of this experience. Being away from what I know and am comfortable with has given me the chance to really tune in to what I want out of my future.

To all future participants, definitely take advantage of every moment you have in your city. If you're like me, you'll travel most weekends. Don't let that affect what you experience here in Barcelona or whatever host city you may choose. Even if you're tired after a long day of work, drink that extra shot of espresso, and get out and explore.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed