Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I absolutely love Korea. I'm so glad I decided to come here with the help of CIEE. I have lived in here for about 3 months and I think I am adjusting nicely. I was able to meet a couple great friends through the orientation offered by CIEE and we have traveled around together a few times in the last couple months. The orientation helped new teachers become accustomed to the everyday life and teaching culture in Korea, which is so different than in the United States.

Before coming, CIEE offered a lot of support. I was so anxious going through the visa process, but CIEE was there every step of the way with their expertise. It made me feel so at ease. I talked with a coworker that did not come with a recruiter and she said she felt like she was drowning throughout the whole process. They help you find a placement and work with you to try and place you in an area you want to be in. Though I am not in love with my home city since it is very small, I am only 30 minutes away from Busan and one hour away from Changwon, another larger city in my province. I'm glad CIEE was there for me and offered their help! CIEE ensures you receive a fair salary and working conditions. The staff is there for you and can help you if any problems arise with your school or life in Korea. I feel comfortable living here and that I have support because of CIEE.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed