Benefits: 4
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Facilities: 1
Safety: 5

I have been in Korea for just over 2 months now and I love it. I am glad I chose CIEE. This program has helped me a lot. Before coming here they helped me with all the questions I had and if I would be able to even come. Even after coming here they are always here for me when I have trouble with work. At first my job was not going so good but now it is. I am glad that we have support here and we are not alone. I enjoy the location that I am at. I am in a small city and I can walk everywhere. It is not huge like Seoul. I feel like I am helping a lot here cause there are not many people that speak English fluently here.

Through this program I have made awesome friends. Even though we do not live by each other we are always supporting each other. We even planned trips to travel around the country together. It is nice to have other English speaking friends in a foreign place. I will cherish the friendships I made through this program.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would