An excellent organization to help you teach in South Korea

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

Overall, I think this was a great organization to go through to complete my year of teaching abroad. You could constantly reach out to someone for support, and everything was well-structured and well-organized so that you always knew what to expect and what you needed to do in preparation for your departure. The TEFL course itself, through CIEE, was an added benefit. For everything, in terms of cost, it was well worth the money. On site, the teacher orientation was both fun and informative, and it was great to be able to connect with other teachers in the program. Additionally, I appreciated that our on-site contact person was very friendly, open, and always available - be it through call or chat - to answer any questions we may have throughout the year. From the resources to the support, I can safely recommend this program to other people considering teaching in South Korea.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed