Straight out of University

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I came to Korea to test run being a teacher. I’ve always loved kids, and loved working with kids as for the most part it’s all I’ve ever done. When I leave Korea, I’m not going to be returning to the states to be a teacher. But that makes it sound like my experience here has been negative, and it’s been the opposite of such. This experience has been and continues to be the best thing I’ve ever done with my life. It’s not easy teaching English to young students, but it’s extraordinarily rewarding. After my time here is up (one year and counting) I’m going to leave here with an entirely different outlook on life, work, travel and so much more. I can’t recommend an experience like this enough.

Oh, and the food is to die for here.

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Yes, I would