CIEE Teach In South Korea

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

The CIEE program provided a full package for me to teach in South Korea. At the beginning, they did a great job of getting me excited and reassuring they would help me though the entire process, which they definitely did. After ever step of the way they prepared me well to take on the next step making sure to waste none of my time. When there were waiting periods such as waiting for documents or waiting for an interview, they provided me with a crash course to work on at my own pace. The good thing about this course was that I was able to see comments and discussions with other teachers just like me. It was reassuring to have some of the same questions and concerns as others but it was also helpful to learn new ideas and prepare myself for obstacles I wouldn't have previously considered. Not only was CIEE there for me when I got off the plane in South Korea, but they were there weeks after. They held a weekend for the new teachers a couple weeks after my arrival. This was a great chance to meet some English speaking teachers as well as voice some concerns about teaching and life in Korea. It was helpful to tackle these issues together and reassuring to know there were people in the country who could help me with anything. I have many CIEE contacts in Korea that I know I can contact and get help whenever I need it. This is something that you might not get with every program. CIEE was a great choice for me and I am happy to have made this great life transition with their help.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would