University of Toronto OISE - TEFL Certification Course (Core Course)

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

This is an excellent course. I enjoyed it; found it quiet comprehensive; and, believe it has prepared me well. I found particularly interesting the background material on language acquisition theory which made what followed much more meaningful and was also important to me as a student of other languages. The faculty is excellent. They are steeped in knowledge and experience, and clearly know how to prepare you for the challenge ahead. The breadth of topics is large but necessary, and there is just enough repetition throughout that one begins to truly learn and internalize key concepts. In addition, there’s lots of opportunity to apply what you are learning, as you are learning it. I liked that. At the end, I did not feel as though I had been exposed to just slide after slide of information, but rather I felt I really knew how to do something, that is, how to prepare a thoughtful and effective lesson plan, and execute it so that students succeed.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed