1 month with VP Bali

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I stayed with VP Bali for 4 weeks, and I wished I had more time! Initially I thought that these 4 weeks were a really long time, and I had my concerns about being able to meet people, but time flew by and by the end I made lots of friends!
I really enjoyed working with the kids, the staff and the fellow volunteers. This experience was very rewarding and I wished I had more time in the school, because I really wanted to see the children’s progress. In general, I feel like staying 4 weeks is the minimum, the more time you spend with VP Bali, the more you enjoy it!
I would definitely recommend the program, because they are one of the most transparent NGO‘s you will find on Bali, and you will leave feeling like you really made an impact on the children‘s life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed