Once-in-a-lifetime experience that I would want to do again!

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

What I mostly gained from my experience abroad was development of professional skills, such as time management because I had to balance my time between school work and traveling to make the most of my trip. It was also eye-opening to meet different people from different backgrounds. What I liked most about the program is that they provide you a public transportation card and individual free time, so I was able to travel around the city with my friends either shopping for souvenirs or sightseeing. With that being said, one piece of advise I would give to anyone thinking about traveling abroad in general is: bring more money (to either exchange currency or have a credit card that does not charge a fee for foreign transactions)! This has impacted my life post-program because now, I am more confident in traveling independently abroad!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed