Loved it

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Being on the program in India was absolutely amazing. It was a truly cathartic experience, and working with the other volunteers was so much fun! The children at the orphanage were so wonderful and I really loved spending time with them.
Everything was great. We were treated to three meals a day and a room to ourselves.
Spending time with the boys was the best part! But I also go to see the sights, travel India style (busses and autos), and I got to experience this wonderful colored powder that dyes your skin for 4 days. Lol. I had tons of fun every day.___
Volunteering With India does a great job of taking care of their volunteers and answering questions. Thank you so much for all of your help and communication. This is a great program.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed