2 Weeks not long enough!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I volunteered for two weeks - the shortest possible time. I definitely regret only staying for two weeks as I was having so much fun in the program. All of the other volunteers were so welcoming and interesting and I immediately had 20 new friends from day one. Working with the students was such a great experience. They are the most loving and hilarious kids and I looked forward to teaching every single time. The students genuinely wanted to learn and were very respectful to the volunteers. I found that it was a great way to learn about and experience the Balinese culture and the program itself did a good job with orienting new volunteers about Bali and the surrounding areas.

This program also gave me the opportunity to see other parts of Bali (not just Ubud where the program is). On the weekends, all the volunteers venture out to different cities, islands, and even countries to explore before coming back to town for school on Monday. It was so fun making weekend trips with my new friends from all around the world and learning about their cultures too.

I definitely recommend this program and to stay at least 4 weeks if not longer!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed