Seeking... Finding

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When I think back on my time in Ecuador I see color. I see David and Gloria greeting me with a kiss on the check and selling me beautiful fresh flowers, sneaking an extra bundle in for free. I see Jim smiling as I step into Harlans knowing that I want a cronut and latte. I see little kids squirting me with foam during Carnival weekend. I see the cohort sailing, well zipping down the river in the jungle. I see Peru from the top of Machu Picchu. I see water falling on top of me as i swim under the falls. I see our house in Quito, filled with barefoot girls and fruit, laughter and tears, and dance parties. I see my friend hustling for Maroon 5 tickets in Spanish hours before our flight out of the country leaves. I see our whole group worshipping on Wednesday nights. I see otters kissing my face in the waters of the Galapagos. I see myself and friends sliding down Pichincha in the snow. I see the color of the buildings.

My season in Ecuador was colorful. It was life changing because of the relationships. Now I work as a teacher and coach at a Christian High School and I see myself reflecting on my time in Ecuador not for the colorful memories as much as for the example of community. I want to live walking distance from my students because I know the support and comfort of having a teacher walking distance from me. I want to do things with them outside of school because I know the joy of swimming in a canal or going to coffee with someone who wants to teach and mentor me. I want to take time for their stories because people took time for mine. I find myself striving to cultivate community because that is what shaped me and made my study abroad experience life changing.

Go to Ecuador! Even if you're seeking colorful adventures, you're bound to find more.

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Year Completed