A true South Indian experience and a lot of support from the Indian staff

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

For my Dutch MSc program International Management I was looking for a NGO internship in India. Via India Volunteer Care I was assigned to work for Prime Trust, a microcredit organisation that aims to improve the standard of living of women in the Puducherry community. I am now in the third week of my ten week internship and so far I have had a wonderful experience.
Prime Trust organised a pickup from my hostel in Chennai and brought me to the IVC Guest house in Puducherry, where I now live with four other volunteers. The accommodation is cheap and absolutely well worhty; we have a big living room, a kitchen, a shower and Western toilet and even an office with a desk that we can use. The neighbourhood is safe and friendly and I feel totally comfortable walking outside alone by day and night.

With regard to the internship, Prime Trust gave me (and all others) a big amount of freedom in choosing what I wanted to do. The first week included an introduction to all Prime Trust's programs. I visited the orphanage, a remedial school, the micro credit office and a Self-Help group (a group of women that together apply for microcredit).
I am now spending most of my time on fundraising in order to raise funds for Prime Trust's programs, wirting newspaper articles in order to make Prime Trust more known, and conducting awareness programs to the Self-Help Groups. Furthermore, I teach English and am involved in the organisation of activities for the children of the remedial schools and the orphanage.

For me, my internship at Prime Trust (via India Volunteer Care) has given me the opportunity to truly experience the South Indian culture. The staff is very committed and very supportive and open to all new ideas. I can recommend everyone to come to Puducherry and work for Prime Trust!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would