A Hard Working Recruiter

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

AMS Korea are an incredibly reliable company to go through. My recruiter, Don, really put in the extra legwork to make sure I ended up with a good school. I've used AMS Korea twice now, and both times I've been impressed with their rapid responses, and the sheer amount of work their recruiters put in.

My recruiter was good at responding, and incredibly helpful when it came to sorting out my visa, and whenever there was a problem, he helped work out a solution. He also followed up with me after arriving in Korea, and made sure that everything was ok from time to time. In that respect, I feel that the company really cares for their teachers.

Although not a program per say, if you're considering moving to Korea, and want a recruiter that has your back, I would definitely recommend them.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed