Medical Project in Cusco

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was my first time travelling abroad, and I'm so grateful I was directed to the IVHQ program. Leading up to the program date IVHQ always quickly and thoroughly answered all my questions, made sure I was adequately prepared to travel and always made me feel safe and secure with my decision to travel with them. They also always very clearly emphasized the importance of abroad volunteer work as well as making very clear to keep realistic expectations of your project. Being in medical project there really is only so much one person can do to help, but I knew to go in with an open mind so I came out having learned so much, felt good about the work I'd done and thoroughly enjoyed my time in Cusco. Anybody looking to travel and do a little good at the same time I whole heartedly encourage them to go through IVHQ!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed