Time Warp

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Studying abroad in Ireland was almost like witnessing the past and present combined. Everywhere you went to in Dublin revealed how deeply history is etched within the city. The history of Irish literature liters the streets through locations and monuments. The ever-changing business climate gives a sense of time traveling to those that take part in an internship.

While the past is always present, CAPA makes sure their students are living in the moment. Through immersive classes such as Darren Kelly's Global Cities class and excursions, CAPA makes sure all the students are aware of Ireland's history and culture through experiential learning. The experiential learning doesn't just stop after the exciting adventures either. Through internships, students gain hands-on experience applicable to their professional future.

Overall, CAPA offers a safe and exciting opportunity to study and intern while abroad!

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Year Completed