The best decision of my life

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I’m Johana, an 18-year-old from Peru. I had the opportunity to volunteer on the Teaching English program in India- Delhi as a solo traveller and was the best decision of my life! My experience was wonderful. I had the chance to meet incredible people from all over the world that showed me I wasn’t alone. We had lots of memories that I can’t even count with my fingers, and every one of those memories helped us grow and mature as people. Also, the staff was so lovely and dedicated, I never felt lost or afraid because they were always there to support me.
On the other hand, Teaching was the challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life but with the children’s constant smiles and desire to learn, it encouraged me to apply my creativity. I came to India to teach but I finished learning more from the people I met.
Thank you IVHQ for giving the chance to have a life changing experience.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed