Awesome Support & Community

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I've really enjoyed my time with EF. They've helped me at each step of the way, whether it was with getting my visa documents together or with my professional development. The days are often fast-paced, but my Managers really seem to care and offer support whenever possible.

EF has provided me with different opportunities to travel, which is something that I've valued. There have also been a lot of local events to attend, some just for fun and others for career building. It means that there's always something to do. It's been a great transition to life in China, and it's helpful knowing that there's a large network of people to connect with whether it's for travel or help.

I'm a career changer and was unsure of what life would be like in the Teaching sector, but it's really been an amazing adventure and I'm glad I took the leap! It's awesome knowing that the work I do is making a difference in hundreds of lives each year.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would