Medical Project, Great adventures, Spanish Lessons (5 out of 5 review!)

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer with Maximo Nivel with a medical project for 4 weeks. As an RN, I was excited to use my skills abroad, immerse myself in a new culture, learn basic Spanish, and explore my surroundings. I would say with Maximo Nivel it is quite easy to check off all of these ambitions. Maximo did a great job communicating with me about my arrival in Antigua. I felt supported as soon I got into the country. They have a great facility in the middle of Antigua where you can rest in the outdoor garden, chat with other volunteers and students, and even schedule expeditions.

I stayed with a host family for the duration of my stay, and honestly that was a highlight. It seemed like most home stays had multiple volunteers/students, so this was a great way to meet new friends as well as great place to practice our toddler level Spanish at the dinner table.

I was placed in a health center in a town that is located about 20 minutes outside of Antigua. Not only did Maximo make sure I felt comfortable getting there, they also would check in at my placement a few times a week. It was great to assist the nurses with their written documentation system, help with consultations and vaccinations, as well as teach the kids good hand hygiene.

There is also so much to do in and around Antigua. I would recommend using your free weekends to visit Lake Atitlan, the beaches, or climb the nearby volcanoes.

All in all, a great experience!!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed