Kick-started My Career in International Business!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I have had a wonderful time with Zentern, and thanks to all the people involved with bringing me to Japan, I now have a full-time career at a multi-national company.

Since I arrived in Japan I have felt very safe and well taken care of. As many others have already stated, the Zentern staff are fantastic, and will make sure you receive an experience that is tailored to your needs and wants.

My internship was in finance and I was quickly able to apply the skills I had developed at university. The challenge curve was perfect for me as I was given a brief starting period to get comfortable, before important responsibilities were then handed to me on an increasing scale.

Socially the internship was also great, I have made many good friends at work and developed a true international network of professional contacts, that continues to grow. The activities with Zentern have been a lot of fun, the best of which was a trip to Mount Fuji and the lakes surrounding it, where we stayed at an amazing ryokan (Japanese Style Inn).

I definitely recommend this company, you will have a fantastic time!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed