Life-changing experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

I volunteered as part of the childcare programme, interactively teaching 3-6 year olds, and it is undoubtably one of the most impactful, beneficial and rewarding experiences I've ever had. The overall experience of being immersed in a different culture, connecting with different people (teachers, members of the community and volunteers and staff from all over the world) and gaining hands-on practical experience outside my comfort zone has done the world of good, and changed my outlook on things in the best possible way! It's so rewarding being able to see first-hand the impact you are having on the kids, watching them grow in confidence and ability- they really are grateful and appreciative of everything you have to offer, as are most the teachers. Being a volunteering organisation however, by nature, it could get slightly disorganised at times and a lack of clear structure was sometimes frustrating. However, staff are super supportive and approachable, ensuring you’re always comfortable, culturally aware and updated of whats going on in the area, and why each project runs the way it does to be the most ethical/ empowering and encouraging for the community. This will definitely not be my last trip with GVI. My advice for anyone volunteering for any project would be to get as stuck-in as possible. Your experience is what you make it so if you go in with an open-mindset, are positive and work hard, you will find it very rewarding!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed