Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I came into this program with the hope of finding a permanent job in the UK and live there for a while. Within the first few weeks, I was trying my best to impress my employers, and I was putting all I had into my work. The shock was after the first month has passed, and I started feeling like the corporate world is not for me and I do not ever want to be trapped in an office. Luckily, Carmen, our GE counselor, was by my side all along, providing me with guidance and valuable insights. I was extremely concerned with the way I felt about not wanting to have a one full-time job sucking the life out of me. We have had continuously long conversations on the train every time we go on one of the incredible trips she’s planned. She’s also arranged a coaching session one in person and the other one on the phone right before my big meeting with my host company to discuss future collaboration with them on a project I have been working on during the last two months of my internship. The company was impressed with the research I have provided and wanted to hire me as their representative in the Middle East and North Africa. I will forever be grateful for all the help and guidance I have received from Carmen throughout my internship. Now I can live anywhere I want and do exactly what I love!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed