The best experience of my life!!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The opportunity to volunteer and travel with GIVE was the best experience of my life. A little over two weeks ago, I got on a plane to go to Tanzania. I knew this experience was one I wanted to have, but I had no idea the impact it would have on my entire life and mindset. My trip was nothing short of incredible, breathtaking, and eye-opening. Although part of the experience includes working with the locals to help teach them English, they taught me so many more meaningful lessons. Overall, my favorite part was connecting with these locals. My conversations with them allowed me to grow and open up to new perspectives. Two things I learned from them that really stuck with me include the phrase "Hakuna Matata," and the idea of living the most simplistic yet happiest life. Everywhere we travelled, the locals would always say to us "Hakuna Matata." They try to live life with no worries, brushing off the little things that are no use to be fussed over. The people we formed connections with were the most happy and welcoming people, and they radiated joy at all times. You begin your trip in Zanzibar in a village full of these beautiful people I just described. The staff and local boys are amazing, and everyone makes you feel safe and at home. You end your trip in Arusha, volunteering with a women's co-operative, going on a coffee tour, and the coolest 2 day safari full of elephants, giraffes, zebras, baboons, and infinitely more! The people you volunteer with, as well as all of the staff, will become your family- and there is nothing more special than the bonds formed within the GIVE family. By going on this trip, you become one of the roots of change and realize you can make a difference in the world. There is no better feeling than working with a community, and growing alongside of them. The meals are delicious, the transportation is smooth and safe, and the accommodations are perfect! I could go on forever about how much I recommend this trip and how much I learned and grew from it. I wish I could re-do this trip over and over again!!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed