What an experience!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

At first I was nervous going to a new place and teaching for the first time but that was just the first hour. I felt so comfortable in this program and it gave me proof that the little things in life are what matters. Was a great honor to be part of this program and make the slightest of change in someone's life. An overall experience filled with love, laughter, memories and heartfelt expeirnces. Not only did I have the opportunity to teach the most amazing kids but explore Bali, meet new friends and get to know a completely different yet beautiful culture. Bali is amazing filled with so many different things to do. My weeks were full of adventure and exploration. The kids I got to teach were the cutest and are very appreciative of everything. It was a real eye opener. If i had the chance I would have stayed for longer because once your there you won't want to leave.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would