A Great Summer

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

The past two months have flown by! I interned at a golf club helping with social media and marketing. This opportunity gave me valuable experience that will help me in my future career.
When applying, I said I wanted to work in sports, and Global Experiences made it happen. Before arriving, and while in Florence, the staff was very helpful and was there to help with any questions or problems I had. We did several group trips in the city and in areas around Florence that I would not have gotten to do without GE. Yoga by the river, a sunset barchetto, and a wine tour in Tuscany were some of the events we did this summer.
I will always remember this summer because of the people I was with and the experiences I got interning in Florence. Thank you GE!

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Year Completed