Trieste, Italy

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Going to Trieste was the best experience of my life. I am currently a pre-med student and was struggling with finding shadowing internships until I came across an ad on instagram for Atlantis. I was hesitant to apply because I assumed it was false advertisement. Boy was I wrong. This program is amazing and I am happy to report that I have no regrets with my trip to Italy. Shadowing was amazing and of course the language barrier was a little difficult in the hospital, but it has made me more aware of the fact that there are different cultures out there and we need to be tolerant. I learned more about medicine from my three weeks in Trieste than any book could teach me. Not only do I have some hours down to prepare for my medical school application but I have experience and a great memory to share with others. So thank you Atlantis!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed