Life changing — Ghana stole my heart!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

2 months in Ghana was enough to convince me to return and visit again as soon as I possibly can. Naturally you become part of a really huge family and easily become knitted into a very welcoming community. By far this was the best summer of my life. You meet incredible people from all over the world who arrive at your same destination with the intention to address the needs of the community and help as much as they possibly can. It was refreshing to come across numerous solo travelers such as myself.

Being a young female traveling solo, safety was a concern to many of my loved ones back home. Traveling and working through IVHQ granted my family and I the security I needed to spend my summer in Africa with the confidence that I was in good hands. Every journey has its bumps; I did fall sick a number of times, but with the support and attention of the IVHQ staff Evans I was able to recover and enjoy most of my time in Ghana. The IVHQ staff were very attentive with my needs, safety, and concerns, while also doing an amazing job at assuring my time in Ghana was enjoyable. At my placement, I had the pleasure of working with IVHQ staff members Evans and Andrew. I don’t know what this journey would have been without them. They both were great at making my placement feel like home and their presence granted the security that made my stay as comfortable as it was.

I had the time of my life to say the least. The rest is for you to travel, see, and experience yourself. The phrase TIA (This is Africa) is forever ingrained in my memory. Everyone’s experience is unique to their perspective of the world, so make the most of the journey to Ghana. Arrive with an open mind and attitude to trying new things. You will leave with the richest experience and create the most beautiful bonds with those experiencing it with you.

My time was spent in Frankadua, Ghana where my time was invested into several of the programs offered. IVHQ was very good about being flexible with the work you can get involved with, allowing for the most immersive experience. I spent my summer teaching, assisting with childcare, agriculture, and assisting the medical program with wound care. My advice would be to not be scared to create bonds and really get to know the community. Doing this will truly allow you to understand the greater needs of the village, which will allow you the creative freedom to help in ways beyond what you expected upon arrival. This can encourage great initiatives for the village during your stay or even in the future.

By far, this was one of the most meaningful, unforgettable experiences of a lifetime. I will never forget the amount of warmth and love that made up my time in Ghana.
Best wishes and safe travels!

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Year Completed