Angloville Prague

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

My week long Angloville experience took place in the mountains of Czech Republic. It allowed me to improve my communication as well as socialising skills as we spent over 12 hours a day together with people previous strangers to us. But is also meant we created strong bonds over short periods of time- learning about the culture of the students from Czech Republic, and the day to day lives of the native speakers. There were games, group activities, sports as well as teaching sessions so there was never a boring hour. We were also given accommodation and free meals. The food was delicious native Czech Republic food that allowed me to expand my palette and find a new favourite dish!!!! Moreover, the accommodations were twin bedrooms therefore allowed individuals to get close to their roomie and not feel alone or left out.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed