Golden City of a Thousand Spires

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

Prague resembles the quintessential storybook tale of walking on snow-filled cobblestone streets with a towering castle and cathedral in the background. The picturesque scenery entices you to dive into the history-rich city that began in the 8th Century. The ISA faculty of the host university provided quality insights, tips, guidance, and support throughout the entire program. The activities and events scheduled by the ISA faculty are worth noting for many reasons. Personally, I highly valued the individual freedom offered by ISA that allowed me to explore Prague independently. ISA provides a multifaceted schedule that serves to all interests. To name just a few, it provides means for the fun and friendly environment, the historic expertise for learning, as well as the independence and direction to explore on your own.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed