My future home

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had an amazing experience, so much so that I know I want to go back and work in China.

The University was good, a little difficult but overall good. I feel like I learned a lot and was challenged to think differently. Some things got a little annoying because there are certain topics not allowed to be talked about, and using the internet with firewalls for research were tough but manageable.

Apart fromt he university, TEAN did a great job at orientation, I felt like I really connected with my group who went abroad. We all became pretty great friends with eachother and so the housemates became my best friends.

Personally I also really wanted to experience what life would be like as a local so I would do things alone to get a feel for the city. I took dance classes and ran Spartan races and went clubbing and bar hopping. I made a lot of both local and foreign friends, both working and students, and I feel like that made the experience amazing. I found new hobbies and new friends and we were able to compare out life styles and I was able to practice my mandarin.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed