A memorable experience !

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I have recently completed 6 weeks volunteering in Luang Prabang, Laos on GVI’s Women’s Empowerment project. I had decided to take a year away from my western world and planned to travel solo throughout SE Asia. My decision to volunteer as part of my travels was spurred on by the wish to immerse myself in local culture and do something worthwhile rather than just being a tourist and GVI Luang Prabang did not disappoint me! The friendly staff were on hand to support with every step of lesson planning; clear instructions and training were provided and all the volunteers in my group were made to feel welcome and at ease.
My experience on this project left me feeling very humbled. I was unsure exactly what ‘Women’s Empowerment’ meant. I found myself teaching two very different but inspiring groups of women. The first, on a buffalo farm about 45 minutes ride outside of Luang Prabang. Here I met four incredible employees, who were striving to improve themselves by learning to speak English to enable them to engage with tourists visiting the farm. I was struck by how enthusiastic they were, and I really enjoyed our time together.
The second group was an amazing group of young women who were awesome in every way. In Laos many young girls living in the countryside have less opportunities to study as they must help their younger siblings. So, women have to work incredibly hard; leave their homes and move to Luang Prabang to pursue their dreams. Each young woman I taught had their own story but what struck me the most was how determined they all were. Relaxation time was something they experienced very little of and every moment was used to better themselves.
Whilst I was with them, we learnt about the skills of debating and held a debate with another young adults’ class on whether it was better to live in the city of the countryside. Debating is a difficult concept, but they managed this in another language so confidently and it was remarkable to witness. We followed this topic by looking at interview skills – the young women found it very hard to ‘blow their own trumpets’ but with practice and encouragement they achieved a good summary of what they could say in an interview.
As my 6 weeks came to an end, we had just started looking at successful young Asian women and this brought up another discussion regarding of all things, Philanthropy! A difficult subject to talk about in especially in English but they managed with ease and enjoyed learning along the way!
It was a privilege to be part of something so worthwhile and I was so impressed by the student’s determination to learn and the respect and gratitude that they showed.
If you’re considering volunteering then GVI Luang Prabang is special, so much so I plan to return next year! If you’re worried about the teaching side, then don’t be! You’re not expected to plan alone as help is always on hand from staff and other volunteers.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed