A Semester Abroad in Florence, Italy with CAPA

Academics: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This was the best semester of my life studying abroad and I am so happy I decided to go with CAPA. The classes were just hard enough to where I felt like I learned a lot but I also had time to travel a ton! I only ended up having class Monday through Wednesday - so I had the opportunity to travel to 12 different countries in the 14 weeks I was there. CAPA was so supportive, they put me in awesome accommodation about 5 minutes away from the school, and they had a few fun excursions too! I went on this program completely on my own but making friends was so easy because of the activities they have you do.

Florence was absolutely the best study abroad city! It was completely walkable and by the end of the semester it really felt like home. There was so much to do in the city but it was still central enough that traveling was so easy. Another thing that I liked about Florence was that the language barrier wasn't really an issue. Most of the locals were so welcoming because Florence has SO many study abroad students. I never felt unsafe or unwelcome in the city!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed