Homestay Memories

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

One of my favorite memories from my semester in Ecuador was a spontaneous day trip with my homestay family. We woke up early in the morning and took a day trip to the largest mountain in the world (Mt Chimborazo) ! We spent the entire day stopping at the different towns and trying fun, new foods (like plantains with cheese!). Our host parents we very generous and loved to show us the variety of cultures and traditions within the country of Ecuador. We ended the long day traveling to different parts of Ecuador back in a cozy little restaurant in our home city Quito. It was one of my favorite days, not because of the adventurous things and places we went, but because of the deeper connections we made and laughs we had with our homestay family:)

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Year Completed