A Must Do For All!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Interning abroad is a life changing experience! CareerUp ensures that you are 100% safe and is really flexible in ensuring your own happiness and satisfaction. I’m very glad I had the opportunity to expand my perspectives and be able to not only develop my professional skills, but also heighten my cultural awareness. CareerUp guides you every step of the way and I’ve been able to make lifelong connections with fellow interns as well as those in the company I worked for! The housing provided and the area within Singapore is also amazing—The accommodation staff are SUPER friendly and you’re so close to everything from public transportation, getting good food, and exploring the main city life within Singapore. Once again, I highly recommend CareerUp to anyone looking to go overseas and develop their professional side!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed