I would go again in a second!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

The experience of studying abroad gives a surreal feeling of personal growth right before your eyes. I made wonderful life-long friends from all over the world and met some incredible people. I really liked this program because there was a great balance of letting us be independent while also providing ample opportunities to see and experience Rwandan culture. People are amazingly welcoming and always curious about where you're coming from and what brought you to their country.

My favorite moment was when the woman I interviewed for an article took me in her arms at the end of the conversation and thank me for listening to her story and give power to her voice. I will remember her face expression forever.

I would have liked more time to prepare for the final presentation but otherwise, I wouldn't change anything. The class on storytelling was eye-opening for me and I will try to use stories in the future to convey important information, which is essential as I'm studying environmental sciences.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed