Elephant Adventures in The Land of Smiles

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

While volunteering at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center, I had the opportunity to engage directly with wildlife while learning about local conservation efforts. I felt so connected to the animals. I was so grateful to feel so trusted by the members of the staff, to have such independence, and to feel empowered to take risks. I bathed the elephant I was paired with every morning and afternoon, stepping out of my comfort zone as I plunged deep into the water. I formed such a close relationship with my elephant as well as the mahout—the man who has dedicated his life to taking care of that one elephant. I am so appreciative to Rustic for giving me this experience in high school. I also had the privilege of being with a group of students who have become lifelong friends. We share such meaningful memories and we are always in touch. Every year, we travel on a new Rustic trip together, exploring new horizons.

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Year Completed